Digital transformation in Education:

a new teaching paradigm

This paper analyzes the main opportunities, cultural and technological barriers that educational entities face related to digital transformation.

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About the Paper

2020 marked a before and after in the history of society, and some entities had to abruptly adapt to the changes in order to survive and continue providing their services.

Educational institutions were one of them, in which face-to-face classes ceased to adapt to virtuality. But, what were the cultural and technological challenges they had to face? What tools favored and helped them?

Undoubtedly, the change was notorious and marked a new teaching paradigm that will be exposed in this paper.


1. Digital transformation in Education: the future of teaching has arrived.

4. Promoting distance education.

2. Between cultural and technological challenges.

5. New technologies for a new era.

3. Virtual assistants: keys to an efficient experience.

6. Conclusions: benefits for all parties.

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